Enquiry Form for Admissions
* Mandatory fields.
Please Note :
Filing up this form does not guarantee admission of the candidate to RightWay International School.
Admission is at the discretion of the Management, provided the candidate satisfies the requirements of RightWay International School as well as subject to availability of seats.
1. Name of the Candidate * :
2. Date of Birth * : 3. Place of Birth * :
4. Nationality * : 5. State of Domicile * :
6. Gender * : Male Female
7. Session * :
8. Class Applied for * :  
9. Current Class :
10. Academic details of the Candidate :
a) Name of Previous School :
b) Previous Percentage (%)
    (applicable for class II and above)
c) Previous Board
    (applicable for class II and above)
d) Previous Stream (Only class XI) :
e) Reason for leaving Previous School :
11. Siblings in The Heritage School *
       (Details of only own Brother/Sister to
       be provided)
: Yes   No
12. Father's Detail :
a) Name of the Father * :
b) E-Mail Id * :
c) Mobile No. * :
d) Occupation * : Service  PSU Employee  Business  Self Employed  Govt. Employee  Unemployed 
e) Organization * :
f) Designation * :
13. Mother's Detail :
a) Name of the Mother* :
b) E-Mail Id * :
c) Mobile No. * :
d) Occupation : Service PSU Employee Business Self Employed Govt. Employee Unemployed Housewife
e) Organization :
f) Designation :
14. Address Detail :
Address * :
P.O. : P.S. :
City * : State * :
Pin * :