Message from principal

My Dear Students
I take this opportunity to congratulate you all on your success. I welcome you to the new academic year. All of you must familiarize yourself with the student’s diary which serves as a guide to the rules and regulations of the school.

You must have been yearning to get admitted in the new class. Now when you are happily settled in its lighted and well-ventilated class rooms and the spacious compound, you must ensure that the class rooms and the ground remain clean, tidy and beautiful.


Take great care of your appearance and behaviour. Come to the school appropriately and immaculately dressed. Do not forget that a polished pair of shoes is also a part of the school uniform. Boys should keep their hair short and neatly combed. Everyone appreciates a child who is tidy, well-dressed, soft-spoken, courteous and well-mannered.

Games and sports never cease to fascinate a child, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body Cultivate the habit of reading for it will open your eyes and broaden your mind. For a better understanding of what you have learnt, do a bit of reference work and research of the topics covered in class then only the study becomes much simpler and a great fun.

Now this is the perfect time that you must strive for perfection in your games, studies and co-curricular activities and develop your potential to the fullest. Do not hesitate to seek the help of your teachers who are always ready to help you in achieving your goal.

Good Luck & May God Bless you all with success in life.